Propellerhead Rebirth (Macintosh and Windows)

No longer available at zZounds
zZounds Gear Experts Say...
The stuff that techno dreams are made of. ReBirth 2.0.1 is nothing short of a stunningly accurate reproduction of the bare essentials of techno music making. Silver boxes, blinking LEDs, a myriad of knobs--and a sound like nothing else on this planet.

What is this thing?
ReBirth 2.0.1 is the software reincarnation of 2 analog bassline synths and 2 classic drum machines. They've also thrown in a digital delay, a quad-input distortion unit, a compressor, and an analog filter emulation unit, the PCF (Pattern Controlled Filter). All the quirks and subtle qualities of analog, combined with the convenience of modern computers (a minimum of cables, integration with your sequencer software, complete front panel automation, real-time audio streaming, and much more).

Does all this sound like a miracle?
Here's how they did it: Instead of sampling the sound, they "sampled" the actual synth hardware. It was a question of analyzing the mysterious inner workings of the analog design, and then creating at mathematical model of it, incorporating practically every nuance. Then they converted this theoretical model into lightning fast computer code. So fast that it runs on the computer you already have. No customized cards, DSP chips, or other expensive accessories are required.

Minimum System Requirements - PC
ReBirth requires an Intel Pentium PC (90 MHz minimum) with Windows95/98 or NT, 16 MB RAM (minimum), and a 16-bit (minimum) audio card. For full use of all features and/or integration with Steinberg Cubase VST, a faster CPU and more RAM is required.

Minimum System Requirements - Mac
ReBirth requires a PowerPC Macintosh (66 MHz) with system 7.5.3 through OS9, 16 MB RAM (minimum), and Apple Sound Manager (included on CD-ROM). For full use of all features and/or integration with Steinberg Cubase VST, a faster CPU and more RAM is required.

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