Behringer FCV100 Dual Mode Foot Pedal
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Control the volume and modulation of your instrument with the Behringer FCV100 dual mode foot pedal.
Behringer FCV100 Dual Mode Foot Pedal
The Foot Controller FCV100 is a flexible dual-mode foot pedal for volume and modulation control. It features volume control of one stereo or two individual musical instruments, and its dedicated modulation function provides a direct connection to a keyboard's modulation control input. The FCV100 is VCA controlled for utmost reliability and smooth audio performance.
The Foot Controller FCV100 is a flexible dual-mode foot pedal for volume and modulation control. It features volume control of one stereo or two individual musical instruments, and its dedicated modulation function provides a direct connection to a keyboard's modulation control input. The FCV100 is VCA controlled for utmost reliability and smooth audio performance.
Dimensions: 9-1/2 in. (L) x 4-1/2 in. (W) x 2-3/4 in. (H)
Documents and Manuals
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Reviewers gave this product an overall rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars.
(20 ratings)
Submitted March 31, 2009 by a customer from
The product does work as a keyboard volume pedal, however there is definitely a hum associated with it. While playing it is not noticable, but is when no one is playing.
There are very few features. It has a knob that lets you set the max volume and you can control the volume for 2 instruments or left and right simulatanously. It runs on 9V battery or 12V AC adapter - here is where the problem lays. I can't find a 12V AC adapter that works. Radio Shack no longer carries a multi-tap adapter. You have to buy the adapter that fits it and they tried them all and said none of their's works. Which is amazing considering that they have almost 50 different sizes at least.
Ease of Use
It is easy to use except when you have to change the 9V battery. If you don't unplug the pedal after each use, your battery will be dead. I wish Behringer sold a 12V AC adapter, but they only make a 9V one.
Would pay more if it included the 12V AC Adapter.
Manufacturer Support
Haven't had to use yet.
The Wow Factor
It's a volume pedal.
Musical Background:
Active Musician
Musical Style:
Christian, Rock
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