Roland PD-8 Dual Trigger Pad
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zZounds Gear Experts Say...
Try this PD-8 dual-trigger drum pad with your Roland TD electronic drum kit to trigger rim shots on the toms or bow/edge sounds on the hi-hat.
For toms and hi-hat, the PD-8 rubber pads provide dual-trigger support for playing rim shots and bow/edge sounds with the Roland TD-6V module.
Reviewers gave this product an overall rating of 4 out of 5 stars.
(7 ratings)
Submitted March 2, 2005 by a customer from
"I love my Roland drums."
I hope these last a long time. They are perfect for practicing. They look and sound better and are easier to operate than the Yamaha kits.
It was exactly what I expected. I am very happy with the sounds. It is perfect for practing but will never replace real acoustic drums.
The pads are dual trigger.
The drums seem to be made well. I bang on them pretty hard sometimes.
Manufacturer Support
I have not had any problems with the set and have no experience with Roland's customer service.
The Wow Factor
My friends always want to play my V-drums. They are no substitute for real drums though.
Musical Background:
Active Musician
Musical Style:
Rock, Funk, Blues, Jazz
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