Line6 Variax 300 Modeling Guitar

Over 25 historic guitar sounds, agathis body, maple neck, Indian rosewood fingerboard

Overall User Ratings (based on 46 ratings)
  • Overall:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Sound:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Features:
    5 out of 5 stars
  • Ease of Use:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Quality:
    3.5 out of 5 stars
  • The Wow Factor:
    3 out of 5 stars
Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(46) (see rating details)
Submitted October 24, 2007 by a customer from

"The single most AMAZING instrument invented in my lifetime!"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I have WAY too many "real" guitars, yet I find myself ignoring them and grabbing this Variax most of the time. Perfect intonation and sweet feel up the neck. And ANY damn guitar (or bass) I want in any TUNING I want at any TIME I want it. What's not to like? I just hope they keep making and improving the Variax line. Sometimes I get the feeling that it's just WAY too much for most players. They pull back from the endless range of possibilities. Too much brain drain. Personally, I LOVE it!
The sound, especially when heard through a clean amp or a recording system, is so close to the original instrument being modeled that it's spooky. The Tele sounds like a TELE. The Strat has the best Strat sounds you've heard on record. Same with the Les Paul ... even down to the fact that a Paul is LOUDER than a Strat or Tele! The other guitars are equally true to the original. And if you've ever played one of those electric Sitars like I did in the 60's, you'll be amazed at how perfectly they nailed THAT sound, even with the third string being louder and buzzier than the others. Astounding accuracy!
OK ... here's where the thing blows me away: The WORKBENCH! With this computer add-on, not only can you tweak the KIND of guitar you're playing (body, shape, pickups, pot qualities and all) but you can CHANGE THE TUNING to ANYTHING that you like! Drop D? DONE! Open G? COOL! A true Baritone guitar that's halfway down to a bass? Outstanding! I really like putting the bottom 3 strings down a full octave then playing bass lines, counterpoints and harmonies with the top 3 strings normal for a REALLY fat guitar. If you're a "looper," it lets you lay a bass part in with a simple click of a switch. Then you can pop into a screaming lead line with another click. Limitations? They're all in your head!
Ease of Use
The only thing that an older guy like me notices is that the main Select knob is hard to read without "cheaters." There are a whole TON of clicks there and you have to kind of do it by feel. The "learning curve" is mostly trying to remember ALL the possibilities without clicking at random up and down. I found a good PICTURE based wall chart that is an excellent helper in finding the sound you imagine FAST.
The one I got was in pretty stellar condition, but the first fret did have a tiny bit of buzz. I fixed it by carefully prying the fret up with a knife blade and freezing it there with a few drops of crazy glue. Perfect! Of course, I'm an instrumant maker and repair guy, so that kind of thing doesn't spook me. The only delicate thing is the multi-pin connecting wire to the computer for using the Workbench. Be carefull to keep the tiny slip wires straight. If you stick the jack in crooked, you can bend one or two and then it doesn't talk to the computer. I know. I tracked down that problem after a few days of studying the Line 6 Support pages and finding no answers. It's simple and physical, but something to keep in mind.
Guess what ... for the price of a basic Strat copy you're getting TWO DOZEN guitars that play well and expand your mental horizons. Yeah, it's a GREAT value!
Manufacturer Support
They are STELLAR. I didn't even buy it direct and didn't have an official "warranty," yet their tech guys were right on my problem with the wire mentioned above. Then they sent me a WHOLE NEW Workbench (which I had also NOT bought from them new!). The web has several Variax sites with tons of really experienced users. One of the best is in Holland!
The Wow Factor
Here's probably the weakest link in the Variax chain. Folks still want to SEE a gorgeous Les Paul when they HEAR one. They want to SEE a Strat when they hear that hollow sound. And players grouse that they miss the psychological change of style they get when they exchange one guitar for a physically different one. There is some of that. On the other hand, I LIKE the fact that I don't have to re-learn the "feel" from one instrument to the next.

Musical Background:

Been playing since the early 60's, run a radio/TV production company

Musical Style:

A mish-mash of rock/country/folk/jazz/bossa/latin stuff
13 of 14 people (93%) people found this review helpful. Did you?
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Submitted April 8, 2006 by a customer from

"Good in sound but not in practical playability..."

Overall: 1 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Very good
Very good
Ease of Use
Very good
Unfortunately, the way the guitar is balanced leaves much to be desired & is too heavy, therefore not comfortable to play at all. The fact that this product was made in Indonesia sort of explains a lot about the craftmanship.
For the sound yes but for ease of play NO...
The Wow Factor
It looks good but feels bad (specially because of the way it is balanced & the weight of this centurian tank).

Musical Background:

Active musician

Musical Style:

different variations of rock
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Submitted June 10, 2007

"Technological bargain!! Choices, choices."

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
As technology continues to move forward there will eventually be a better version. For now I love it for recording. Great buy. If you have too many guitars this one could take the place of a few.
It gives you alot of sonic options. It is hard to say if the guitars being emulated are close to what they claim (I've never heard most of these guitars alone ex. 57 L Paul) ? They sound good and the option to switch between instruments quickly is great. Some of the sounds just seem like the same guitar with the tone knob adjusted. Ths guitar gives you alot of variety for a low price.
To power the guitar you need to use batteries, an included power supply, or if you have a pod you can use connect it direct via digi cable. It is a well built guitar(aside from frets that weren't filed well.
Ease of Use
It's pretty easy to flip to a sound and play. It is easier to edit the guitar on the computer. On line website help is available and it works well live or recording.
Seems a bit rough but just minor things( the fret edges a bit rough or a little sharp). Solid paintjob. Still well built and holds tune well.
this is the most affordable of the models and for the price you can't beat it. Excellent value! If you need a variety of tunings and sounds, this is it.
Manufacturer Support
I haven't had the need to call them but the website is very helpful, No problems in over a year.
The Wow Factor
The looks are plain though I don't believe they were going for something original in aesthetics. It's more about the sound variety. so it's practical and has a strat type look.

Musical Background:

songwriter, touring musician and self producers.

Musical Style:

Indie rock on pop psych side.
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Submitted November 8, 2005

"Not bad."

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Go with a real electric if you are going to play electric. on the acoustic side I would probabely look at Line 6 Acoustic simulaters first.
The acoustic sounds are not good enough for recording. You may be able to get away with it on stage. They sound pretty tinny but if you are used to playing an electric they will probabely sound good. I play acoustic so my acoustic sounds much better than these acoustic simulations. The electric sounds are good I think but like I said I am an acoustic player so if you are an electric player you might be more condesending. I think the problem lies in is the that it doesn't use magnetic pickups.
Adjustable action, intonation and neck relief. The power adapter is also pretty handy but will clutter your stage space. That's probabely better than running out of batteries in the middle of your performance.
It is well made.
All in all I think I would have gone with a real electric for the money. 500 bucks can get you a pretty nice guitar, strat or les paul.
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Submitted October 24, 2005

"I Great #@#$ing Instrument!!!"

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Back off the Volume , never play with volume max.
I wish there was a Bypass Switch making the quitar react just like a ordinary guitar with our Modeling Synthesis.

Musical Background:


Musical Style:

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Submitted July 15, 2005

"buy this, it rules!"

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
oh yea verrrry sexyyyy
nice clean sound, no buzz or noise. excellent reproduction of various collector guitars, the modeling is really amazing. Love the acoustics, rics, banjo, dobros and yes, it even has a sitar! woah... even the 12 strings sound pretty good...the fenders are right on, and the various gibsons sound nice and thick as they should... all in all i am very happy to own this super crazy cool guitar! oh yea, it has presets too, for your fav sounds, sweet.... ok, yes, it uses piezo pick up, and yes, you can hear that in the mix, it is subtle, but whn ya crank it thru a nice tube amp and or with effects, it more than compensates..
i got a trs cable and power module, plus a very helpful owners manula too
i have read iffy reviews bout the quality of this guitar, but i dont know what they r takking about, this is excellent quality, the guitar looks very sexy, black on black looks cool, nick is smooth and feels right, decent tuners,
very affordable. try buying the 50 different guitars this thing models, get back to me with how many thousands of $$$ u spent! haha
Manufacturer Support
i dunno so i give it a 5
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Submitted May 18, 2005 by a customer from

"Fun to Play with !"

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
If Line 6 has more a sharp eye on the Endcotrol of there Guitars, the will be a winner!
Short: I love the Sounds!!! And with a little tweaking you can optimise them for your own Ear.
Menny impressiv Sounds
I test 3 of the 300. Its really necessery, to proof the Guitar in the Shop. There are good ones and bad ones. Most are the have sharp Frets-edges !
Manufacturer Support
I get a better one. Needs 3 weeks.
The Wow Factor
Its really something for every Guitarfreak. Thats the new Type in Guitars. Importend Developing!

Musical Background:


Musical Style:

Jazz, Blues,Techno
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