Behringer XENYX XL2400 24-Channel Mixer
Get flexibility, ease of use and high-quality, ultra-low-noise sound from this 24-channel Behringer mixer.
Overall User Ratings (based on 12 ratings)
Submitted January 14, 2010 by a customer from yahoo.com
"Sometimes you don't even get what you pay for!!"
Verified Customer
zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
Already searching. Its worn out before even being used. I chose it because on paper it had the features I needed for the money. If I could have foretold the future of course I would not have purchased it. I wish someone would steal it. I would look at yamaha, mackie, allen and Heath or Soundcraft, no offense but nothing made in china. A mixer is a tool you use for many years if your lucky. The electronics made in china are just throw-a-ways.
Sound is Clear. British Eq is easily adjustable for a pleasing result
no accesories
Ease of Use
easy to get a good sound, easy to operate and modify sound. Extensive patching capabilty.
product is not reliable. I've been thru 3 units and a repair station is working on it right now.
even free is not worth this aggravation
Manufacturer Support
1st XL2400 had bad channel (had to increase mic gain to very high level, sound would suddenly get really loud then cut out again) just past the 30 day return period. Behringer replaced with a new unit, 3 bad channels right out of the box. Similar problems with channels either not working at all or intermittent. Behringer replaced with a new unit - lasted 30 days before bad channel number 1. Now I am sending to repair facility in Michigan. I live in Florida. Behringer says allow at least 2 weeks for repair plus shipping both ways. In defense of Behringer they did pay for shipping except the 1st return. Warranty policy says 1 year from date of purchase and so far they are inflexible. So purchased the mixer in august, now its january and I've got a month before the mixer returns from repair. 6 months out of my warranty and I still don't have a working mixer. Maybe repair will fix it and I'll never have another problem but I doubt it.
The Wow Factor
Musical Background:
Been in and out of bands for 40 years
Musical Style:
Southern rock, blues
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