Behringer RM600 Rotary Machine Speaker Modeler Pedal

Simulate the swirling sounds of a stereo rotary speaker with this pedal. It features Model, Blend, Drive, Slow, Fast and Ramp for customizing your sound.

Overall User Ratings (based on 5 ratings)
  • Overall:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Sound:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Features:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Ease of Use:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Quality:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Value:
    5 out of 5 stars
  • Manufacturer Support:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • The Wow Factor:
    3.5 out of 5 stars
Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(5) (see rating details)
Submitted December 1, 2011 by a customer from

"Musicians news flash.... Behringer invents a Leslie speaker that will fit in your pocket."

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Purchaser zZounds has verified that this reviewer purchased this specific product from us.
I will only buy something else IF someone can improve that footswitch delay timing thing.
This thing is a dream. I don't have to haul that Heavy Leslie speaker anymore. only drawback I can see is that you must hold footswitch 2 seconds to cycle between fast & slow speeds. But I will eventually get used to it.
I use this to make a keyboard sound like a vintage Hammond. Can dial it in pretty close.
Ease of Use
Only played 2 gigs so far. still trying to get the feel of it.
Too soon to tell, but so far, so good.
unbelievable value. I WAS using an old phase shifter to try to duplicate that "Leslie" sound I was looking for.
Manufacturer Support
neither good nor bad. no problems to be addressed yet.
The Wow Factor
I call it a "pocket Leslie" & have sent links to 2 other musicians who both say they must have.

Musical Background:

piano player 49 years. play in working band & write at home.

Musical Style:

classic rock, country, contemporary
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Submitted November 14, 2011 by a customer from

Behringer RM600 Pedal Customer Review

Overall: 3 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Purchaser zZounds has verified that this reviewer purchased this specific product from us.
I wouldn't recommend this to a keyboard player but maybe a guitar player, especially if they don't have much money.
The tone quality greatly diminished when the rotary pedal was turned on from the bypass state. On my guitar (Ferrington acoustic/electric) I lost the crispness of the highs and midrange.
I primarily bought it for keyboard so not all of my complaints may apply to you. There were plenty of switches and control pots on the pedal. Adjustments and sound manipulations were manageable. But I hated the way they use just one switch to control slow to high speed AND bypass. You have to hold the pedal down for two seconds or it will switch into the bypass mode. With a keyboard, especially a Hammond organ type sound, alternating between slow and fast in a timeley fashion is often critical to the performance. The pedal was manageable to this style. A guitar player using the 600 may feel different. I also didn't like the way the battery mounted into the pedal. You have to dismantle the top foot rest by pinching in the hinge bracket. The plastic nubs that the hinge connects to look a little vulnerable to me. But maybe they will be OK,
Ease of Use
Lots of adjustment options, although I thought the ramp up times were not perfect (to my taste). You can adjust the speeds, but you cannot tweek the ramp up time.
Except for the battery placement, it looks to be pretty durable and cosmetically nice.
I paid $49.99 new for the pedal. I thought it was a steal. Unfortunately, mostly because I was going to use it for keyboard, it wasn't what I wanted.
Manufacturer Support
I have never had any trouble with Behringer. I sent back the pedal to Zzounds and had no trouble with the refund.

Musical Background:

40 years semi--active keyboard, guitar, bass

Musical Style:

eclectic Christian contemporary
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Submitted January 5, 2013 by a customer from in Silver Spring, MD

"I'm dizzy about the Behringer RM-600 Rotary Machine Pedal!"

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
This feature-stuffed rotary speaker emulation pedal is a small and bargain-priced wonder with appeal and good performance, coupled with only a couple of acceptable drawbacks/room for improvement at this price point. first, the sounds that can be created with the RM-600 are diverse in nature and in timbre (tone color). My two favorite features that I'd suggest and recommend, are the stereo inputs and outputs- significant when you can take advantage of either the inputs, the outputs, or both- and the sliding switch which lets one choose from any one of three emulations of original Leslie rotary speaker models. These features, along with the overall appeal of the unit, comprise its wow factor- 2 1/2 stars- and the value- 5 stars. Overall, I give the unit 4 stars out of 5, with the sound rating the same. I'd improve the unit by making it quieter, especially in a chain of floor pedal effects. The unit doesn't provide the huge ramp-up sound of a rotating speaker; this pedal suggests- rather than emulates- an authentic Leslie unit. In the construction and use category, this unit unfortunately provides small and flimsy knobs, Behringer's biggest- and almost only!_ consistent weakness as a gear manufacturer. If you need rugged gear that can withstand punishing use, your only hopw with this unit is to pamper it. Consider traveling with it outside of your effects bag or case, or at least pack and pad the unit gently and generously. Your other option, other than forgoing this pedal, is to buy a rugged unit. Many of these are available, at prices from roughly $100 upward. It's still a fine pedal! I own one, and I'm interested in buying at least 2 more for a 3-tiered keyboard rig, so that each keyboard can have its own settings when desired.
The sound quality is good, if a bit muffled- highs could be clearer- and the sound doesn't respond to my playing, in that the unit's not interactive or dynamic- velocity or after-touch sensitive/responsive. The unit is entirely compatible with my musical style(s). Sounds from this unit are more effective in smaller spaces; the impact is underwhelming in large venues, where greater loudness and volume are usual. It won't fill an arena or a large field with impressive sound. A heavily amplified rotary speaker system's necessary for ear candy.
The most useful- and my personal favorite features- are the stereo ins and outs, as well as the switch allowing choices of emulation of 3 Leslie rotary speaker models.
Ease of Use
It's easy to get great sounds out of this unit, and effortless to get very good sounds. this is easy to use in my pedal board chain; my one disappointment is with the unit's noisiness- it needs to be quieter, but every pedal chain should have optional noise prevention and reduction. There's a learning curve, but nothing prohibitive or even particularly challenging- and I'm a forgetful, slow-learning, non-technically gifted person. it's quite playable for keyboards. I haven't used it on other instruments- I have run drum patterns through it. I'd like to test it with electric guitar, and also mandolin with a pick-up.
The product's generally well made, two concerns notwithstanding. Mainly, the knobs are small and flimsy, prone to coming off of the unit. Pamper this unit! Also, it may not withstand rugged use. It's not built for rigors of touring or fast-and-furious club gig set-ups. One won't find die-cast metal or tough composite materials. It seems that with gentle, careful use, the unit can last, especially if one's gentle with the knobs. Cosmetically, it may easily scuff (so far, mine hasn't), but it works as well as the day that I received it.
This unit is- to my knowledge and in my opinion- the lowest cost rotary speaker emulation pedal on the U.S. market, and its nearest price point competitor is roughly twice this price- $100 or so, compared to the RM 600's "street " price of $49.99 US. The unit's absolutely worth its typical selling price!
Manufacturer Support
I haven't needed to deal with Behringer for manufacturer support.
The Wow Factor
The appeal is mainly in the unit overall as a budget pedal that suggests a rotary speaker effect, and I like that the unit is small, fitting well inside a medium-sized pedal board and carry bag. I would enjoy and use this pedal even if I didn't need it. I don't require this pedal to make good music (music that may appeal to others, and to myself). The unit lets me do more- and do better- than I can without it, and I like it for what it is, as well as for what it isn't . (It's not time-consuming,heavy, bulky, requiring a flight case and casters, etc., nor is it expensive.) The unit's user-friendly and band-friendly, unlike Leslie systems,or Motion Sound's big, heavy emulations. The Wow Factor here is in its nature and its value. it's a fine and "modest or humble" piece, rather than a unit that will likely turn heads or blow someone away- and that's more than good enough for most of my applications. Ideally, if I were recording in a (pricey, tricked-out) professional studio, I'd want a Leslie system with a dual-manualHammond organ. Such an additional expense alone would be between burdensome to unavailable financially. Motion Sound might be my second choice in the Wow Factor department, but there's a lot of equipment that I don't know about, haven't played and gotten to know superficially- let alone mastering or knowing the equipment well. I recommend trying this pedal. You'll know if it meets or exceeds your wants and needs.

Musical Background:

I've been playing music- keyboard, beginning with electric organ- for nearly 46 years. I play professionally and jam at home as

Musical Style:

fused pop and rock of an R&B and jazz-rock nature and tradition.
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Submitted December 8, 2013 by Rick W in Hudson, NY

"Nice Leslie Simulation"

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Purchaser zZounds has verified that this reviewer purchased this specific product from us.
Thiis little, inexpensive pedal does. Good simulation of the Leslie effect. i really wanted the gradual change between speeds, and this one does that well. The only thing I don't like so much is the way the LED flashes every few seconds when not engaged to indicate that the pedal has power.

Musical Background:

Life-long bar-band guitarist

Musical Style:

Rock, jazz, fusion
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Submitted April 29, 2013 by Kevin Scott in Newport News, VA

"Good Effect!"

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Purchaser zZounds has verified that this reviewer purchased this specific product from us.
This pedal at first seems cheap because of its plastic case but the plastic is super strong and holds up .Ive been gigging with mine for about 3 months.This is pure rotary effect and it is not colored by other effects like a soul vibe of other pedals Ive found that this captures the sound of a lot of 70s songs IE robin Trower,Pat Travers Aerosmith. The change between slow and fast takes a little time to get used to but other than that this is a great pedal one of my favorites it nails the sound of the sweet emotion lead at the end.

Musical Background:

36 years Guitar and Bass Semi Pro

Musical Style:

Jazz, Blues, Rock/Blues, Funk, Christian
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