Behringer LC2412 Eurolight Lighting Console

This 24-channel DMX controller comes with 24 preset channels assignable to 512 DMX channels, and lets you store up to 120 scenes in 10 different banks.

Overall User Ratings (based on 47 ratings)
  • Overall:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Sound:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Features:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Ease of Use:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Quality:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Value:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Manufacturer Support:
    3.5 out of 5 stars
  • The Wow Factor:
    4 out of 5 stars
Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(47) (see rating details)
Submitted November 27, 2005 by a customer from

"It's worth the $$$."

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
I think I'll go back to the US dj folks for a more roadworthy piece, but I'll keep the mobile unit to add to the house install.
I have two of these controllers. Both have the same date code. One is a fixed installation in our venue, the other in one of those 'gig-rig' cases for small shows. The fixed installation works flawlessly - after replaceing the pc-style coin cell battery. The one used for mobile setups isn't holding up quite as well. I'd buy this again for another fixed install, but I'll find something else for my mobile rig.
Features are OK. You'll need a 5-pin to 3-pn XLR converter to use it in the states. It is rack mountable, and the ears come off and it's still a finished look. We had our repair tech swap the 5-pin XLR out of the fixed unit, using a standard 3-pin mic type XLR for ease of wiring.
It's very Behringer. The quality isn't bad, it's just not very 'roadworthy'.
It's a good product for a fixed install, for the buck it's got ease of programming and Behringer reliability.
Manufacturer Support
I called the Behringer support number and had the answer I needed in less than 8 minutes. They seemed to know the OEM battery is weak. ;) They also advised terminating long runs with a resistor. Yes, it's in the manual, but they wanted to be sure I knew about that. Nice folks.
The Wow Factor
I'll use the ones I already have.

Musical Background:

Manager and owner of a sound reinforcement company.

Musical Style:

We'll set up for anything.
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Submitted March 21, 2004 by a customer from

"usefull, value-for-dollar, wiz-bang controller"

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
it's still "new" - but we're using 3-5 behringer units (DIs, feedback killer, multi-gate) and have been happy so far. if you can spend some time to get to know it's features/interface, you'll like what you can do (i do). i'd still reccomend a more traditional unit for theater if cost isn't an issue. but it's a great little do-all. we were using an american dj dmx controller and it wasn't automatic/easy-to-use and died completly after 2 months (it was also a used purchase) - so this unit has restored some of my faith in dmx.
it doesn't produce sound, so... the light control ability is good. many options squezed into a medium/small package.
like i say, loaded with features. may be to many for typical theater use. but i found the pumping lights to bass/mid/treble and chase sync to tempo/beat to be much fun and not too hard to suss out. two 8-12 light channel scenes can be manually dialed in and crossfaded pretty easily.
hard to say, yet - we've used it only 4-5 months. it's held up alright. needed a new battery after 3 months. first fader is loose/cuts in-out (time for contact cleaner). the unit does do what it's supposed to. allot of features we've yet to need, but glad to have - espicially for the price.
this is behringers secret it seems - made in china, designed in germany (?). it's the way of the future. so as china's manufacturing quality improves - the reliability should as well (and eventually the cost).
Manufacturer Support
emailed support and within 3-5 days got a very helpful response. they even shipped me a free eprom firmware/op-system upgrade at no cost. this is a good sign that i can rely on a knowledgable support team even if the unit isn't built like a tank (we don't have a department-of-defense budget).

Musical Style:

all, experimental
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Submitted March 3, 2008 by a customer from

"I love it. You don't have to be a professional DJ to use it."

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Purchaser zZounds has verified that this reviewer purchased this specific product from us.
I have no plans to replace it, but if it is stolen I will buy another one just like this one.
It is a light controller, but it uses the audio line out from the mixer to sync the lights to the music. Im am not quite 100 % happy about how it follows the beat. Sometimes I have to manually jump through the steps of a chase. It does not put any noise in the sound system.
For about $ 200 it has lots of features. No other company ofers so many channels and programs in a small box and so affordable.
Ease of Use
Now that I play with it a lot it is very easy, but in the beginning I had a hard time learning, because the book is very bad. I gave up trying to use the book and discovered how to program it on my own. They really need to rewrite the manual. I would have loved to see a video on how to program and use it, but Behringer does not offer one.
No problems at all. It is built well, and looks very nice. People complain about the battery, but more than two years have past and the battery is still good. I had to replace the 5 pin DMX connector with one that has 3 pins, and now I connect it to the dimmer packs with microphone cable.
Yes, I think it does all I want it to do and has features that others did not offer for same price.
Manufacturer Support
I sent a few emails asking for more info on how to program the chases but they never answered back. The book is bad, needs to be rewriten by an English or American born person. Behringer could make a video demostrating how to program the chases and how to use the conroller.
The Wow Factor
People that came and looked at it were impressed. It looks great. Most of them think it costs a lot more than what I paid.

Musical Background:


Musical Style:

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Submitted August 21, 2014 by Roger J in Gaithersburg, MD

"Lighting controller"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Purchaser zZounds has verified that this reviewer purchased this specific product from us.
Behringer has did it again. What and AWSOME machine.

Musical Background:


Musical Style:

All music
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Submitted February 16, 2007 by a customer from

"Please please please Behringer, restore my faith in your products, I would buy and recommend more of your stuff if I could trust"

Overall: 1 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I have another Behringer product - a Virtualizer, nice kit, again more features than you'd ever need in a practical situation. Again, it's manual is set out really badly and not very friendly. That machine works fine - except when used with computer generated audio, where it suffers terribly from digital noise intereference.
Umm, it doesnt produce a sound you know.... it does have sound to light features which look interesting, but the chase fader and now the main faders have packed in after only a short use so I can't try anything grrr....
Lovely looking piece of kit for the money, more features than you'd ever need for one gig, plenty of headroom to experiment with it's features which could cover from Disco sound to light to 24 channel theatre lighting and more.... but three important faders have packed in on mine grrr after only a few hours use
Ease of Use
It can do lots of things, so there's lots to read up on from it's manual. I reckon I could write the manual with better context and grammar. I tried to read it in english while trying to think like a german engineer! it's got lots of nice little features, that you might not use frequently so forget easily, then you're back in the manual, reading English, thinking in German ^_^
Looks fab straight out of the box, love it's looks. The case is pretty but lightly built, which is ok if you cherish your stuff and look after it like I try to. It can be cased easily enough to protect it's light build - just dont throw it around un-boxed! I am really cheesed off at the failure of main faders though, the unit is unuseable after only a few hours grrrrrrrrr!!!
If it worked sweetly I would be over the moon with joy at the price. I love it's looks, I am fascinated by the features it packs, It's well capable of what I need and more, very compact, did I say it looks good? - it does. but..... it's let me down horribly by being faulty after such short use.
Manufacturer Support
Dunno, not tried them yet cause I am so annoyed and fear I'm going to be "fobbed off" with "you probably didnt do this..." which is my usual experience of customer service departments, but I will have to get in touch I guess or bin the unit.
The Wow Factor
I still want it, that's why I considered it carefully before I bought it - but...... (read the rest of this review)

Musical Background:

12 years mobile DJ business

Musical Style:

Party music (pop to dance to rock, to country - you name it!)
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Submitted August 30, 2008

"Behringer Eurolight 2412 lousy manual"

Overall: 3.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Yeah loads of features for the money if you can find them.
Ease of Use
Manual is a nghtmare. You get into the bit they're teaching you then it goes off on a complete tangent without completing the tuition in that area. I thought it was just me but the manual really is so fragmented. As has been said it needs rewriting and a video would be gratefully received. Steve

Musical Background:

Active Musician (UK)

Musical Style:

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