Behringer GI100 Ultra-G Active DI Box for Guitar

Whether you're recording or on stage, this DI box will get your guitar sound through the console with full dynamics and without miking your speakers.

Overall User Ratings (based on 26 ratings)
  • Overall:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Sound:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Features:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Ease of Use:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Quality:
    5 out of 5 stars
  • Value:
    5 out of 5 stars
  • Manufacturer Support:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • The Wow Factor:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(26) (see rating details)
Submitted August 3, 2009 by a customer from

"Top sound men don't lie..."

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
I purchased my Ultra-G direct box out of intrigue, and I'm glad I did. I am an experienced player, performing at some of the top night clubs in Columbus, OH with built in sound and experienced sound engineers. Every one of them has complimented the sound of the Ultra-G box, and at least two of them have decided to buy some of them based on hearing how good mine sounds. It's better than a mic in a live setting when used through a conventional line out, hands down. If you think otherwise, you must be using it incorrectly.

Musical Background:

Active performer

Musical Style:

Rock, blues, funk and soul
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Submitted January 28, 2011 by a customer from

"Great DI Box- Great Price - Get it."

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Purchaser zZounds has verified that this reviewer purchased this specific product from us.
Only con to this box is the noise from engaging the speaker simulation. Since I don't use that function. Does not matter.
For what I needed it works great. Very quiet (with explanation!!!!) QUIET EXPLANATION: On my unit if I tried to engage the 4x12 speaker simulation, thats when I got a low hiss, and it stayed low, would not go up in volume when I raised the volume on the guitar but did when dialed in from the amp. So it was coming from the unit but since I do not use that function, no issue for me. Otherwise the unit does not generate any noise what so ever when used just as a DI. It works great and is very rugged. No issues. Some complain about the batter access, I again found that it seemed pretty easy to change so no issue and I have also used it phantom powered.
Ease of Use
Very easy to operate, love the pad switches, very useful when going into a mixer. Love the direct line out for monitor situations.
Well made and Rugged. Set it and forget it.
Compared to others this pedal gives you a tremendous bang for the buck. Buy it, if you don't like it, return it or just give it to a friend.
Manufacturer Support
No experience with support, I own a few behringer devices and pedals and all work well. Have not had to deal with Behringer support.
The Wow Factor
Looks Good.

Musical Background:

Hobbyist, in Band, Active Musician

Musical Style:

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by a customer from

"Great DI Box. I now have 2!"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
Like I said, great product.
Very clear sound. Put my guitar "up-front." Watch out for your levels. I was surprised at how much this little thing puts out!
The cab simulation is very nice. I suppose it could be better, but not for this price!!
Good quality. Built very well. And, personally, I like the way it looks.
This gets a definite 10! Great product, at a great price!
Manufacturer Support
Haven't had any problems, but Behringer has never given me any problems with support before.
The Wow Factor
Very useful, a must have for the down-to-earth musician.

Musical Style:

Christian Rock / Worship
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Submitted February 1, 2004 by a customer from

"Lots Of Bang For The Buck, But The 4X12 Sim Is A Bit Noisy"

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Purchaser zZounds has verified that this reviewer purchased this specific product from us.
I am buying at least one more of these to make up for the one that had a problem. The 4X12 simulation puts these DI's at the head of the pack for me.
These DI's are quite nice, only seeming to have one sonic weakness, and that is the cabinet simulation causing a fair amount of hiss. The cabinet simulation won't satisfy everyone, but as a live sound engineer, I like its overall tone more than simply having an amp (usually with the high frequencies at painful levels) blasting away in the room.
This DI does everything a DI should do, and slightly more. I just wish that the cabinet simulation didn't introduce any noise into the signal.
I had one of these suffer a death where the input jacks seemed to somehow develop a short. I opened the DI to see if there was anything I could do, but the jacks are sealed (and soldered to a PCB.) What opening the box revealed, though, was that you would probably have to subject the box to a rather nasty impact to actually damage the electronics.
Behringer has a reputation for lots of features for a low price, and this DI is a perfect example of that.
Manufacturer Support
I've only spoken to Behringer once, and they seemed quite helpful.
The Wow Factor
This is a great addition to a live sound engineer's arsenal, although it doesn't inspire the same "it's nuke-proof" response as more heavily built DI boxes might.

Musical Style:

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Submitted February 12, 2012 by Primo K


Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Purchaser zZounds has verified that this reviewer purchased this specific product from us.
Ive compared this to alot of others and the sound is astounding! Creates a really big sound without the hassle of micing! use a mic and this box and your every nuance will be heard live!

Musical Background:

30 year professoinal

Musical Style:

Rock ,Blues Jazz-fusion
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Submitted April 16, 2012 by RajuR OneHunned in Philly, PA

"Behringer GI100"

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Purchaser zZounds has verified that this reviewer purchased this specific product from us.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to get this, but at the price and the return policy, I didn't have anything to lose. Well after the reviews, which were on point, it's gonna serve me alright. I'm using it with my Fender Rhodes 73. Didn't like it for the guitar rig because of the hiss from the cabinet simulator, and I also ran into a RED BOX Classic. If I didn't have the Classic, I would be using it, except for the cab sim. Nice for the money.

Musical Background:

Pro for years, studio owner for years, producer for years.

Musical Style:

I'm a producer and studio owner with the bestest of gear for a home studio, Avalon, Focusrite ISA, Shadow Hills, API etc.
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Submitted December 20, 2006 by a customer from

"Sounds ok, but beats micing your amp"

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Aleays searching for something better, haven't found anything yet. I prefer this guy to micing the amp though.
It sounds ok, I usually use the cab sim, its a little noisy but for my application this is a non-issue. So I take the second speaker out of my twin reverb and go to the pa board as well as my recording setup (through an xlr splitter). I like that there's no bleed from other instruments as opposed to using a mic. On the recordings if I add some muktiband compression and reverb it comes out sounding pretty realistic. On the other hand, I'm not satisfied yet (who is?), so I'm still trying other boxes.
The cab sim sounds pretty nice and with the twin reverb blasting I use both 20db pads to get it down to a reasonable level for the pa. It seems really rugged too which is nice.
Ease of Use
I would like to see a couple different speaker sims ala the palmer passive DI to shape your sound a few different ways.
Very good, I didn't expect it to be this rugged. Although, I wish it were passive, I hate using phantom power (and no way will I trust a battery at a live show).
Never dealt w/them
The Wow Factor
Well its a DI, certainly not a sexy piece of gear.

Musical Background:

Perfomer, Live recording engineer

Musical Style:

Rock, R & B Dance
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Submitted November 14, 2005

"Ultra-G is the only DI for me!!"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Overall this product is killer.. I'm still curious as to why others complain about noise with this but so far live and in the studio I have not seen this problem (I always run balanced lines so maybe they're converting over to unbalanced or something??) Anyway, I'm very impressed with the Ultra-G and for it's price you can't beat it! - MX
The sound is great. No buzz, No hum and the cab simulator is fantastic! Most DI boxes I've tried on guitar heads have a High-Freq. artifact to the output, not this one. I'm not sure why others complain about noise with the cab simulator because I have not experienced this. Very quiet and no High-Freq artifact!
Very basic design and easy to use. The battery compartment is way to small though.. better to use this via phantom power.
Built like a tank and I've road tested mine now for over a year.. I've just ordered my second one!
Behringer has always been priced right!
Manufacturer Support
Never had to contact support.
The Wow Factor
I really don't want to go back to micing up my cab live anymore. This box solved allot of live sound problems and I've got the rest of my boys using one as well. On my last CD I even recorded all of my solo's using just the Ultra-G (my head - Ultra G - ProTools) and it worked great (box handles 500W!!).. I can't live without it now!
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Submitted November 21, 2003

Behringer GI100 Ultra-G Customer Review

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Great product, will definately buy another in a heartbeat if this one gets lost.
Very realistic emulation of a mic-ed cabinet. A world of difference between simply running a DI and running the emulator. I very much prefer the sound of using the Behringer after my preamp over simply using a Tech21 Sansamp.
Active single channel DI with "4x12" cabinet emulator. If only it came in dual channel version, for running stereo, and more options on the speaker emulation.
Decent build quality. But as I noticed with some Behringer products, the battery compartment is a no brainer. It is way too small, making it difficult to insert and remove the battery. And they should have a more accessible cover as well. A screw over a metal plate isn't exactly the best idea.
Excellant for the money!
Manufacturer Support
Never dealt with em, but their website is pretty informative.
The Wow Factor
I went from DI to DI lookin for the right sound, this nails it right on. I want the freedom to use my own preamp & efx processors and have a DI box that has a speaker emulator. Sansamps sound terrible for that, only decent running standalone.

Musical Style:

Rock, Metal, New Age, Fusion.
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Submitted May 9, 2003

Behringer GI100 Ultra-G Customer Review

Overall: 2.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
Cabinet emulation, which is why I bought this though I have Ultra DI100 from Behringer (which by the way works great!) makes a lot of noise. Cabinet feature is USELESS. DI is great just as its cousin DI100. But forget the cabinet emulation.
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