Behringer BTR2000 Racktuner Chromatic Rackmount Tuner

Plug into the front or back, or use the BTR2000's built-in mic. This rack tuner gives you a big LED display and 11 modes -- chromatic, open tunings and more.

Overall User Ratings (based on 23 ratings)
  • Overall:
    3 out of 5 stars
  • Sound:
    3.5 out of 5 stars
  • Features:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Ease of Use:
    3.5 out of 5 stars
  • Quality:
    3 out of 5 stars
  • Value:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Manufacturer Support:
    2.5 out of 5 stars
  • The Wow Factor:
    3 out of 5 stars
Overall: 3 out of 5 stars
(23) (see rating details)
Submitted January 23, 2011 by a customer from

"Given a choice I'd buy the Behringer product again. Given I only own two Behringer products even after reading mostly negative r"

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
I hope this BTR2000 lasts me a long time as I'm one of those "constantly-broke" musicians and it's a stretch for me to upgrade even when I need to.
I run my guitar into the tuner,then into the tuner,out of the tuner into my pedals,from my pedals into my rack EQ,then into my amp head. I've only had this tuner for a few days so I haven't had the time to just run it straight into my amp. The sound of my guitar isn't muddled in any way the way I've got everything hooked up now. I did find I've got a problem cable so i am getting a minor noise because of it.
Features are great! It wasn't difficult to use this tuner for the basic reason I bought it (for a tuner) without looking at the manual. However some features require reading and following the manual.
Ease of Use
Like some other users I too have had a problem tuning the lower strings specifically the A and the low E srings. I'm still learning the features this tuner has. She fits fine along with the other equipment I run.
Quality is great. I jumped in the creek even after reading the negative reviews about this tuner. So far it's been a great ride.
For the money you can't beat this tuner. It's great to have the features it has as a pedal tuner can't do what this tuner is capable of.
Manufacturer Support
My BTR2000 is too new to have problems requiring me to contact support
The Wow Factor
Aesthetically she's lovely. To me Behringer's products have a great look with fine functions.

Musical Background:

semi-active musician

Musical Style:

contemporary Christian,blues,rock,country,jazz
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Submitted January 5, 2008 by a customer from

"Save your $$$ for a Korg"

Overall: 3 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I used to use a Kork rack tuner, however I sold it when I stopped playing professionally. Now that I am playing again I will go back to Korg
NA. doesnt change the sound
The features are nice, but they should have put a little more into the crappy slow tuning
Ease of Use
it has nice featurs, but unless you memorize the multi-function buttons it is hard to read, especially in low lit stage situations
Tuner does not track well. I play bass, and the lo "E" is very hard to tune, an the low "B" on my 5 string does not register at all
The price was great. that was the reason to buy it. But in this case it jst doesnt work well. Although the rack lights are cool, I already use a Furman power conditioner with lights
Manufacturer Support
NA. Never dealt with them
The Wow Factor
looks nice, but I think the Korg's look better, and function a lot better

Musical Background:

Active musician

Musical Style:

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Submitted March 28, 2006 by a customer from

"Does Everything Well, Except TUNE!!!"

Overall: 2 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Purchaser zZounds has verified that this reviewer purchased this specific product from us.
I generally love Behringer stuff and won't be afraid to buy any of their other products. I had been eagerly awaiting this since I saw it at NAMM in Anaheim in January. I couldn't wait to put it into my rack... and then it was a big let down. I had expected this to be the last tuner I bought for a long, long time... I'm returning it and getting the KORG DTR 2000. I can't afford to have a slow responding tuner live, let alone an inaccurate one. You get what you pay for in this case.....
No change in sound going through the unit.
I was very excited about the dual inputs, cool looking light, multiple tuning options, large colorful display, cheap price compared to other tuners, etc...
Ease of Use
A number of different buttons with dual functions, but half of the labels for the functions are hard to read onstage. Knowing which ones to hold verses just push when onstage in the middle of a show is time consuming and frustrating. Though generally live you'd just leave it on tune, that usually wouldn't be a problem, but in a couple instances where I needed to change some things live, I found myself trying to step through each process from memory and read the lighter labels in the din of the stage. Single functions buttons would be better, or darker labels.
It's built well, looks good, has great features, a cool light, multiple routing/muting options, a metronome, you can make it look like KIT the Trans Am from NIGHT RIDER.... But it is one of the SLOWEST responding tuners, and inaccurate tuners I have every had to deal with. It doesn't pick up on the notes your playing, or the changes from note to note. It's like it has to clear its memory every time. It got to the point that I pulled my boss tuner pedal out and sat it on top of my rack and ignored the Behringer. After getting off the road, I took and compared my Boss tuner, online tuner, a guitar mounted tuner, a Peterson strobe at the studio, and the Behringer... ALL of the other ones agreed. The Behringer had me almost 2 cents sharp of 440.. it was like 441.5. Very, very disappointing.
Well, if you want all of those features, except the tuning, it totally rocks. If you want a tuner, I'd look elsewhere unless you have a lot of time to kill on stage and don't mind being slightly out of tune with everybody else.
Manufacturer Support
The Wow Factor
Cool Look, Cool Light, Great Features (except tuning)

Musical Background:

Recording Engineer, Active Musician

Musical Style:

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Submitted May 2, 2012 by a customer from in Cardiff, NA

"Great product"

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Just received tuner (from Studiospares, Wembley) & despite some comments on the response time of the beast, I'm pleased to report that this particular unit works splendidly with my 5-string Cort bass - no delay in any mode...!No problems to report whatsoever - which is nice..........!

Musical Background:

Been playing longer than is good for me

Musical Style:

Many & varied styles
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Submitted August 3, 2010 by a customer from

"Nice Tuner great price"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
Does what its supposed to do at half the price of other rack mount tuner, plus other very nice features like rack lights and a metronome (although i haven't used it)
I do not run my tuner through my effects loop so it has no effect on sound.
Despite what other reviews say the tuner works fine and is in tune with every other tuner I own. Also I play bass and my unit has no problem at all picking up low E or B on my 5 string. Built in rack lights are a very nice feature,I don't use the metronome because it isn't in the sound loop because my amp has a tuner out.
Ease of Use
Figured it out in about 5 minuets without opening the instruction manual. Dual function buttons are no big deal
Ive only had it for a few days so I cant say how it will hold up. It looks nice and seems well built. I wish it came in black so it would match my rack better but that is trivial
At half the price of other tuners with more features, it's kind of hard to beat.
Manufacturer Support
Haven't had to deal with it

Musical Background:

Active Musician

Musical Style:

Classic Rock, Blues
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Submitted June 30, 2012 by Russell Sova in Parkersburg, WV

"Very nice tuner"

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
It's the only one available these days built for a rack so I went ahead and ordered one. Hooked up to the amp as intended it works perfectly. I see other reviews that say it doesn't pick up the E string and that's true enough when it's not hooked up to the amp. However, it is afterall a rack tuner so when the signal comes from the amp it works perfectly.

Musical Background:

Playing 42 years.

Musical Style:

Blues and jazz.
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Submitted September 13, 2012 by Mark Smith in London, NA

"Response time WAY too slow!!"

Overall: 1 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Looks good, loads of features, nice rack lights, etc. etc. BUT - and this is a great big elephant-in-the-room-type BUT... if you have your rack tuner switched off to avoid entertaining the audience with a light show and only turn it on occasionally between songs to check your tuning, IT TAKES FAR TOO LONG TO RESPOND. Your band will have packed up and gone home by the time you are in tune. THIS IS A REALLY BIG DISADVANTAGE and completely ruins what would otherwise be a reasonable, good-value piece of kit. SPEND A BIT MORE and get something BETTER.

Musical Background:

Experienced Bass Player gigging and recording for 38 years

Musical Style:

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Submitted September 15, 2009 by a customer from

"Behringer Garbage Rack tuner"

Overall: 0.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I am gonna put the sucker on e bay, and see if I get another sucker to buy it. Then I am gonna buy a real Tuner.
No sound
Complete load of (chinese?) garbage !
Ease of Use
Too hard to read, and takes too much time
Not bad, but Fender and Korg are built better !
Wish I had spent an extra $50 or so and got a good tuner!
Manufacturer Support
Don't know, hope they are not as slow as the tunere is !!!
The Wow Factor
Gimmicky lights, biut can't freekin tune.

Musical Background:


Musical Style:

Rock 'n stuff
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Submitted July 16, 2014 by a customer from

"Pure Junk!"

Overall: 0.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
Response time is extremely slow. By the time I got done tuning the guys in the band had already gone out and, found a new bass player. Joking of course but, it really is that slow. It's utterly useless in a real life situation. Thankfully I found that out in a practice session and, not live on stage. If I had bought this tuner and, went out live with it before testing it out, it would have been embarrassing. This thing is so bad I can't even give it away. Literally, I've been trying to give it away since I got it and, nobody wants it. Although when my six year old niece came to visit, the built in rack lamp,did come in handy as a nightlight I'd give this a zero star rating but zZounds makes you have at least a half a star.
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Submitted December 23, 2013 by Lionel D in Hurley, NM

"wasted money"

Overall: 0.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Purchaser zZounds has verified that this reviewer purchased this specific product from us.
All I wanted was a rack mounted tuner for my studio. I should've read these reviews first. Tuning is next to impossible and takes waaaay to long as the led pendulum swings back and forth, never resting on green. I have to chalk this up as an expensive rack light and buy a better quality tuner. Don't waste your time or money on this crappy tuner.

Musical Background:

songwriter/ recording engineer

Musical Style:

rock, country, blues
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Submitted March 1, 2010

"dirty cheap, and does what it says!"

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
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This review has been selected by our experts as particularly helpful.
no sound
i think it is a cool looking tuner, has awesome rack light, and looks good with all the other gear. the tuner part of it is a little slow, but i wouldn't say its any worse than my buddies fender. when you change strings meter goes left pauses for a second and tracs right along with the turn of your tuner
Ease of Use
quick look at the manual and your all set to choose the tuner your looking for(i.e. many different tuner modes.), the one and only manual thats worth a s@#t that came from Behringer
seems to be of good quality, no problems yet.
it works, if set to the right instrument, its dirty cheap whats more to say bout that
Manufacturer Support
have the fcb1010 midi foot controller and the bass v amp pro, those manuals are long and actually tell you nothing! so i called them(Behringer) got through to a live human on the 1st call, they said their manuals stunk and emailed me some other stuff 15 min. later and i was in business. Thats the best service i received from any company in my 28yrs on this earth
The Wow Factor
the rack light is killer, it tunes your banjo, guitar, bass, ukalele, and also open tunings, also has a bunch of other lights that look awesome on stage. coolest lookin tuner on the market
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