Heritage Audio Successor Stereo Bus Compressor

Thicken up your tracks. The Heritage Audio Successor bus compressor uses analog, 1073-type output circuitry and sidechain filtering to add weight to any mix.


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Rupert Neve Designs Portico 5043 Duo Compressor/Limiter

No longer available at zZounds
Get 2 channels of Neve compression in a half rack space with the Portico 5043! Modern feed-forward and classic feed-back modes give you full tonal control.

The 5043 Duo Compressor/Limiter is a powerful approach to dynamics processing for the Portico Series, designed with both tracking and mixing applications in mind.

The Portico 5043 embodies two independent Compressor-Limiters (Channels A and B) housed within a half rack, 1U module. They can be used independently (on two distinct tracks), linked as a stereo pair, or connected in sequence to provide two separate control slopes. When used as a stereo pair, linking the DC control circuits via the front panel A/B button enables the level of each channel to be held in a constant relationship. Rear panel TRS connections are provided to link multiple 5043s. This linking may also be extended to some of Rupert's former AMEK CIB and DMCL units.

Buss or Line Input Selection

Any number of Portico modules that are equipped with the "TO BUSS" button may be sent to the BUSS input of the 5043 which makes it the ideal choice to form the core of a simple and cost-effective Portico mixing system. The Line input, when selected, provides a dedicated, transformer-balanced 10K impedance bridging input so that the 5043 may be inserted or included in any appropriate part of the signal chain at Console line-up level.

How It Works

To control gain, a V.C.A. or Voltage Controlled Amplifier (or Attenuator) is used. There are many types of voltage control devices, including tubes, discrete and integrated solid state circuits and naturally non-linear devices, each one having its own characteristic read more behavior that reflects sonically on the final performance, providing a character or signature that can be musically attractive (or not!). The Portico 5043 makes use of a very accurate, low noise, low distortion V.C.A. having essentially no signature of its own.

"...perhaps the single most transparent compressor I have ever used. The source signal retained remarkable fidelity and coherence..." Greg Walker

A part of the audio signal is rectified and smoothed to produce a suitable control voltage for the V.C.A., which has to respond very quickly and have low distortion. If the response is too fast, some of the signal will be unnecessarily gain-controlled. If the response is too slow, the signal will overshoot and the first few cycles will not get compressed. The speed and accuracy of the response - known as the "attack" - and the timeframe that gain remains under the initial control - known as the "release" or "recovery" - each play a large part in the way a compressor sounds.

All Portico modules use input and output transformers and almost entirely discrete component amplifiers. In fact, the Line amplifiers on their own, inserted into the signal chain, are capable of enhancing the sonic quality of many signal sources, especially those of digital origin. These are some of the factors that enable the Portico 5043 to work so unobtrusively within the context of a very high quality audio chain.

Feed Forward or Feed Back?

The Portico 5043 provides a choice of feed-forward or feed-back compression modes. The FB Button allows the user to switch between the two modes.

If the V.C.A. control voltage is taken from the 5043 input (i.e. before the V.C.A.), the V.C.A. knows right away that a gain change is required and there is an almost immediate response. This is known, logically, as a "Feed-Forward" compressor.

If the V.C.A. control voltage is taken from the 5043 output, (i.e. after the V.C.A.) it cannot act immediately on the V.C.A. because it has already been modified by the compressor circuit through which it has passed. This is known as a "Feed-Back" compressor. The two compression characteristics are quite different; there is more "Overshoot" and both the attack and recovery ramps are changed, providing the user with powerful choices.

Almost all of Rupert's earlier designs were "Feed-Back". They were more musical and sweeter than with "Feed-Forward" designs; however, the "Feed-Forward" design provides greater accuracy. Each is useful in its own way.

Ratio and Threshold

Above a given threshold, signals are reduced by an adjustable amount ranging from 1:1, (which is linear, or no reduction at all), to more than 40:1 which is a very high ratio, equivalent to that of a Limiter. A compressor's ratio is sometimes referred to as "Slope" because when depicted on a graph, the slope of the graph (representing Output vs. Input) is what changes.

Ratio and Threshold are closely inter-dependent. If a RATIO as high as 40:1 has been set, then if the THRESHOLD is set at 0 dBu, even when a massive signal of +40 dBu (unlikely!) is presented to the input, the output signal will only be +1 dBu. RATIOS as high as this would normally be set somewhere above 0 dBu - say at +14 dBu, in order to prevent the output signal level exceeding just over +14 dBu - to protect, for example, a digital recorder. Similarly, if a RATIO of 5:1 has been set, an input signal which is 10dB above THRESHOLD will only rise by 2dB above that THRESHOLD at the output.

The THRESHOLD control ranges from below -30dB to +22dBu. When THRESHOLD is set at a low level, with a fairly high RATIO the amount of gain reduction will be considerable and it may be necessary to use some GAIN after the compressor to restore the apparent signal level.

Attack Time

The ATTACK is the time taken for the compression circuits to start compressing. A long ATTACK time allows short duration peaks to "escape" and go through uncompressed. This may cause overload on subsequent digital circuits. A very short attack time sounds unnatural and robs the signal of some of its life by removing transients. Some transients are extremely fast and have little effect on the sound quality. Setting a long attack time often means that almost no gain reduction occurs because the transient is done before compression has had time to operate. However, even the fastest circuits take time to operate which means that there is always some "Overshoot". Small amounts of "Overshoot" can be musically desirable, but listening is the only way to tell.

Setting the right values of RELEASE and ATTACK is what compression is all about! Once the principles are understood, a Compressor-Limiter such as the 5043 provides a powerful tool that actually appears to enhance the dynamic range of a recording and so provide greater musical enjoyment.

Release / Recovery

If the RELEASE TIME is set to be very short, a short duration signal will be compressed but the gain will return to normal very quickly, giving a fluctuating and unnatural sound known as "Pumping" when the background, or other signals, are forced up and down. The gain will also tend to follow the wave form of low frequency signals. RELEASE TIME should be set long enough for the gain to remain reasonably constant between each bass note or between speech syllables.

The notes above explain how the 5043 handles signals of constant amplitude such as pure tones. Real program signals, however, are continually changing in level. The way in which a compressor deals with actual program material depends upon the magnitude and duration of peaks in the program level. Feel free to experiment, and use the settings that sound good to you!


Compression: For signals below the "threshold" level that has been set, a compressor provides a linear path allowing signals to be amplified without the gain being adjusted in any way. When signals exceed the "threshold" level, the gain is reduced in a controlled manner that depends on the Ratio that has been set.

- Gain: GAIN range provided is from -6dB to +20 dB. ?As already noted, when compression has taken place, it may be necessary to increase the overall gain to restore the apparent program level
- Ratio: Range from 1:1 to LIMIT (i.e. 40:1)
- Threshold: Range from -30dBu to +20dBU
- Attack Time: Range from 20 mS to 75 mS.
- Release / Recovery Time: Range of RELEASE time is 100 mS to 2.5 Seconds.

Stereo Operation: When the LINK Push-Button is engaged on both channels and the two channels, A and B, set to approximately the same values, GAIN control on both channels will be the same to preserve Stereo balance, levels normally being controlled by the channel with the higher signal level.

Composite Operation: Cascading the two independent sections of the Portico 5043 Compressor- Limiter provides extremely powerful and comprehensive control of Dynamic Range.

When an external audio connection is made from the output of one channel to the input of the other, the overall compression characteristics become a composite of the two. For example, Channel A may be set up as a Low Ratio compressor and Channel B may be set up as a High Ratio Compressor or Limiter, to produce powerful composite characteristics:

Ducking: When the LINK Push-Button is engaged, the signal passing through, channel A, may be used to control the amplitude of channel B. For example, the level of music through channel A can be controlled by speech on channel B, i.e. reducing the music level to make a "speech-over" announcement.

Meters: Two Peak LED METERS are provided that show OUTPUT LEVEL and GAIN REDUCTION. These are switched between Channel A and Channel B on the central METER SELECT Push Button.

Output level meter covers the range from -10 to +22 dBu and above which is regarded as overload.

REDUCTION is calibrated in dB covering the range +1 to 22 dBu, reading from right to left
read less

- Gain Range: Continuously variable from 6 dB to +20 dB.
- Threshold Range: Continuously variable from 36 dB to +22 dB.
- Ratio Range: Continuously variable from 1.1:1 to Limit (40:1).
- Attack Range: Continuously variable from 20mS to 75mS
- Release Range: Continuously variable from 100mS to 2.5 Seconds.
- FF/FB: Feed-Forward or Feed-Back VCA control.
- S/C or LINK: Multiple 5043's may be daisy-chained via the rear panel jacks. When an individual channel is engaged, it's control voltage appears at the rear panel LINK jack. When both channels are engaged they are linked together internally and their control voltage also appears at the rear panel LINK jack.
- LINE or BUSS input select: Selects rear XLR input or Buss Input jacks to accept Portico series buss outputs.
- Maximum Output Level:
- Balanced and Floating Transformer Output +25 dBu.
- Total Harmonic Distortion and Noise:
- @ 1kHz, +20 dBu output level, no load.
- Main Output, compressor bypassed
- Better than 0.0006%.
- Main Output, compressor engaged
- Better than 0.02%
- Noise:
- Measured at Main Output, un-weighted, 22Hz-22kHz, Terminated 40 Ohms.
- With Gain at Unity, Compressor disengaged: Better than a[euro]"103 dBu.
- With Gain at Unity, Compressor engaged: Better than 92 dBu
- Frequency Response:
- Main Output, Unity Gain
- @ 18 Hz, a[euro]"3 dB; @ 150 kHz 3 dB.
- Crosstalk: Measured Channel to Channel: Better than 80 dB @ 16kHz.
- METERS A/B: Monitors INPUT LEVEL and GAIN REDUCTION of either Channel A or Channel B.
- 5043 Power:
- Voltage Range: 9 to 18 Volts DC, 9Watts
- Connector: 5.5mm X 2.5mm DC jack, Center Positive
- Current consumption:
- @ 9VDC = 1.0 A typical
- @12VDC = 730 mA typical
- @15VDC= 570 mA typical
- @18VDC= 480 mA typical

For support or warranty questions, please contact the manufacturer:

No longer available at zZounds