Hohner Golden Melody Harmonica

Hohner Golden Melody harmonicas set the standard for construction, response, and tone. This harmonica 7-pack includes keys A-G, a carrying case, and a belt.

Overall User Ratings (based on 16 ratings)
  • Overall:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Sound:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Features:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Ease of Use:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Quality:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Value:
    3.5 out of 5 stars
  • Manufacturer Support:
    2 out of 5 stars
  • The Wow Factor:
    4 out of 5 stars
Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(16) (see rating details)
Submitted November 30, 2007 by a customer from yahoo.com

"The best harmonica in sound, performance, durability and value."

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I am very satisfied with this model. The only thing that would make me have to change brands or models is if the price gets much more out of hand. In which case I will then have them custom made. At the current price it might not be very long before I have to do it. After all there aren't that many harmonica players I know of personally who are making an annual six figure income.
I've used the Golden Melody model for 34 years. I used to play the marine band for four or five years, but once I tried the Golden Melody I knew there was no comparison. The Golden Melody's were airtight and the comb was one solid piece. The Marine Band's leaked air in the reed chambers and the combs of the Marine Band were not sealed. The chamber divider walls would warp and even move. The Golden Melody's took the same amount of air pressure on every note. The Marine Bands were inconsistent. The covers on the Golden Melody's have no gaps on them the Marine Bands do. The Golden Melody's have bigger openings in the back of the harmonica for more airflow. The air chamber dividers are wider and the chambers are narrower just the opposite from most other Marine Band types harmonicas. Your playing will become more refined and accurate when you learn how to use it. You won't have to fight the instrument while you are trying to learn how to play. In playing it, there is less margin for error,in the product and the player.
The most useful features of this model are it's smooth even airflow on every note. The cover plates are curved with no sharp corners and are sealed to the comb with no cracks or openings. The back of the harmonica cover plates have larger openings for more air flow and more volume for the harmonica.
Ease of Use
Like any instrument you have to practice. The more you practice the more you learn and the better you get. No one becomes a master over night at anything.
As far as I'm concerned I have yet to find another model that plays as well, lasts as long, and costs as little.
Well it's still a better deal than other harmonica models that are more expensive and not as good all around.
Manufacturer Support
I asked the company if they could make this model in minor keys and they stated that they already made other models in minor keys. I said I wasn't interested in other models. They said they have not had enough request to make Golden Melody's in minor keys. So my solution was to have a person I know who makes custom harmonicas make a set of Golden Melody's in minor keys for me.
The Wow Factor
I think that a harmonica is pretty invisible to any one but the musician who is playing it at the time. Most of them look the same because they are constructed the same. There is not much difference in how they look as there is in how they play or sound. Another thing that adds to the sound of the harmonica is the type of microphone and amplifier you use with it.

Musical Background:

Professional musician / singer / bandleader

Musical Style:

Blues, 50's -80's Rock & Roll, 60's R &B, Country, and Blugrass,
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Submitted July 10, 2012 by Brian O in Sahuarita, AZ

"Golden Melody Harmonica"

Overall: 2.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I have read a lot of reviews about this harmonica, and I know that Howard Levy plays them almost exclusively, and he is awsome. So, I thought I'd pick one up, see for myself. The tone quality is not as good as I expected, but the thing that bugs me most and the reason for my low ratings, is that the reed plates protrude beyond the holes and comb. After playing it for only about 30 minutes my lips already feel sore and I'm sure it would cause severe chapping without some lip treatment. Also, the fact that the reed plates sticks out makes it more difficult (for me anyway) to form my mouth and lips properly to get good single note action. If I try to use tongue blocking my tongue then gets a bit sore. I don't know -- a lot of people swear by this harp and I won't doubt their testimony, but for me it just is not working and I'll have to give it to someone, I doubt the store will give me a refund once I've played it. As for total quality, it is well made -- just the tone and reed plate thing are downers.

Musical Background:

I have played guitar and bass for over 40 years, Harmonica for about 10 years

Musical Style:

Country rock, classic rock, folk, country
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Submitted July 24, 2008 by a customer from tds.net

"A Decent Harmonica... So far"

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I hope that my Golden Melody won't wear out like one of my Special 20 harmonicas. Generally, I like the sound. I also like the shape, which is more comfortable to hold than the standard-shaped models. So-far, the Golden Melody is my favorite, but when I bought most of mine, the price was far more reasonable. As a serious player, I have harmonicas that are in different keys. What I like least about the Golden Melody is that the reeds are not replaceable, like the Pro-Harp and the other MS series harmonicas. I also think that the list price is ridiculous and that the current sale price is not much better.
So far, I'm impressed with the sound. My Golden Melody harmonicas are currently used mainly for melodic playing style (1st position) at church. That doesn't mean that the Golden Melody is not suited for playing accompanyment styles (2nd position). I sometimes use my Goldent Melody harmonicas club gigs.
I prefer plastic combs, but there are plenty of harmonicas avaailable which feature plastic combs. One unique feature, which places the Golden Melody high on my list, is the unusual pear shape, which is more comfortable to hold.
Ease of Use
There was no manual or even the little instruction sheet, with the music of songs such as "On Top of Old Smokey." Fortunately, I already know how to play, so I can overlook this minor shortcoming.
I would be a lot more impressed if the Hohner replacement reeds could be used for the Golden Melody.
Hohner recently decided to raise the prices of the harmonicas. I'm very displeased and for that reason, will probably look into other brands.
The Wow Factor
Let's be realistic and honest about this. A harmonica is a small instrument, easily concealed when held while played. If played on a harmonica holder, it looks enough like any other harmonica that nobody would notice whether it was a model that is top-line model or one that is toy-priced. Could you rate the "sex appeal" of guitar picks?

Musical Background:

Active Musician

Musical Style:

Gospel, C&W, Oldies, etcetera
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Submitted February 22, 2010 by a customer from tds.net

"So Far..."

Overall: 3.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
The Golden Melody is a decent souding harmonica.
I absolutely love the curved shape. It is so comfortable to handle. The Golden Melody might be the premier ergonomically designed harmonica. If, like the MS series harmonicas, user-friendly replacement reeds were available, I would rate the Features a perfect 10.
Prices are too steep.
Manufacturer Support
One of my Golden Melody harmonicas, like some of my other harmonicas, finally had to be retired, due to worn out reeds. I contacted Hohner to inquire about replacement reeds. They replied. I was advised to return it and they would repair it or replace it. I wasn't happy with the answer. If the services were free, I would provide free advertising for Hohner. At least Hohner will respond to enquiries (unlike Hering).
The Wow Factor
Harmonicas don't have a sex appeal.

Musical Background:

Active Musician

Musical Style:

Contemporary Christian, Gospel, C&W, Oldies, etc.
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Submitted September 7, 2009

Hohner Golden Melody Customer Review

Overall: 0.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Very nice Harp but, I think Hohner has sliped in it's quality control. For the past two years or so the reeds in the golden melody break down much faster. This is very expensive!
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Submitted August 30, 2009

"play once,people want to hear more "

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I played wheth live bands.they enjoy it,enouph,to ask me to return,

Musical Background:

hobbyist,semi active.

Musical Style:

blues,rock and roll,gosspil,and country
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