Music education can help the development of children in various areas including, language and reasoning skills, cognitive development and spatial intelligence, and social and emotional development. Children who are exposed to early musical training tend to develop higher abilities in language and reasoning due to a part of the left side of their brain being stimulated. It can help children to strengthen their cognitive development and spatial intelligence through creative problem solving. By creating an outlet for childrens' emotions, music can improve social and emotional development. This type of education will expose children to other cultural views, teaching compassion and empathy from a worldly standpoint. As well as teaching teamwork and discipline skills through the practice, commitment, and collaboration needed for success in musical education. Music can also help to develop self-expression and self-esteem, creating the desire to achieve in other scholastic endeavors. This shows us that music education will play an important role in helping children to reach their fullest potential. Here’s a resource center on music education covering various topics.