MIDI Resources For Students and Teachers

MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. Simply put, what this means if you have a computer, cell phone, musical instrument that can be connected to a computer or computer part in some way, or just about anything else that is capable of playing, producing, or otherwise letting you experience music, then chances are there’s a MIDI in there somewhere.

If a band is playing Fender acoustic guitars, the instruments will probably either be MIDI-capable themselves, or have the ability to incorporate MIDI technology.

Even those who like to play using “vintage reproduction” guitars can have the best of both worlds. Gibson guitars that are designed to match those used by famous guitar players, both past and present have MIDI capabilities.

Websites for Music, MIDI and Sound

Classical Piano: Listen to classical music on MIDI files.

Classical Guitar: Listen to Jorge Guillen play classical guitar and download MIDI files of his music.

Codes: Here you can find some really technical information, in words and pictures on MIDI.

Counterfeit Warning!: Th official website of Ibanez guitars provides valuable MIDI information.

Electronic: Search for MIDI product information and learn more about MIDI technology.

Free MIDI downloads: You can download free MIDI files with no worries about copyright issues.

Hammered dulcimer: MIDI downloads are available for different musical instruments.

Harry Potter: Harry Potter’s fans can find a free game here, complete with MIDI music.

How MIDI is Structured: This easy-to-understand article explains how MIDI files are structured.

How Midi Works: This multi-chapter article was written by a professor at Indiana University.

Instruments: Fender acoustic guitars with MIDI capabilities are available.

Irish MIDI: Lovers of Irish music will find Irish (and some non-Irish songs) here.

Keyboard: Learn how to operate a MIDI Piano Keyboard;

Largest & Best MIDI Collection: Download their files and upload some of your own to help build the collection.

MIDI Article: This is a very informative article on MIDI.

MIDI Audio Book: Learn about MIDI and electronic music from this audio book.

MIDI Downloads: Over 11,000 free MIDI downloads available for download!

MIDI Hardware: Learn about using MIDI with Linux.

MIDI Hymns: Those who like sacred and inspirational music can find a wide selection here.

MIDI Internet Search Result Page: You can search the Internet for specific MIDI files very easily.

MIDI Originals: Listen to Aaron Walz’s original MIDI compositions here.

MIDI Reference: Use this article as a quick overview and reference guide for MIDI.

MIDI Resources: Learn more about the history of synthesizers, as well as MIDI technology; and find books about MIDI here.

MIDI Software: MIDI Maestro music software can be used in live musical theatre as well as other venues.

MIDI Synthesized: Find MIDI files for music from movies, rock and roll, and other genres.

MIDI Utilities: Sequencers, players, utilities, and providers can be found here.

MIDI Worship: MIDI files that are ready to be used in worship for churches, youth groups & more!

Minor Chords: Learn why “minor chords are major players” in a mini music lesson.

Multimedia Development Kit: This is an article on MIDI presented partly in a question/answer format.

Musical Technology: Subheadings make this article on MIDI information very easy to read.

Music Tracks: Music-lovers in Australia can obtain MIDI files and music tracks from HitTrax®.

Piano Compositions: Listen to Walden Hughes’ piano compositions on MIDI files.

Pipe Organ: MIDI can be used on pipe-organ control systems.

Publishers: Learn about MIDI technology from the MIDI Manufacturers Association.

Sequencers: This how-to article explains how to use MIDI sequencers with synthesizers.

Streaming MIDI: Streaming MIDI is a very fast sound delivery method.

Vintage reproductions: You can learn about and find vintage reproduction Gibson guitars with MIDI capabilities.

WAVE Converter: You can convert WAVE music to MIDI and also work with musical notation.

Windows MIDI Mapper: This article gives instructions on the MIDI mapper in Microsoft Windows 3.1